Book Chapters

Hochuli, D and Threlfall, C.G. (2018) Planning for protection: Promoting pest suppressing urban landscapes through habitat management in Urban Biodiversity - From Research to Practice. Niemela, J and Ossola, A (Eds), Taylor and Francis pp 54-70

Latty, T and Threlfall, C.G. (2016) Urban Bee Ecology in Native Bees Agricultural Guide. Brouwer, D (Ed). NSW Government. pp 45-55

Jung, K and Threlfall, C.G. (2016) Urbanisation and Its Effects on Bat. Book chapter in ‘Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of bats in a changing world’. Voigt, C. and Kingston, T (Eds), Springer. *Joint first authorship

Scientific Publications

Santangelo, J.S.The Global Urban Evolution Project (incl Threlfall C.G.) in press Global urbanization drives adaptation in the plant white clover Science

Rega-Brodsky, C, Aronson, M., Piana, …Threlfall C.G…. in press. Urban biodiversity: State of the science and future directions. Urban Ecosystems (accepted 24th Jan 2022)

Tan, H.-A., L. Harrison, J. Nelson, M. Lokic, J. P. Rayner, C. G. Threlfall, J. Baumann, A. Marshall, M. Callow, J. Peeler, R. Korossy-Horwood, C. Nicholson, and N. S. G. Williams. 2021. Designing and managing biodiverse streetscapes: key lessons from the City of Melbourne. Urban Ecosystems.

Threlfall, C. G., L. D. Gunn, M. Davern, and D. Kendal. 2022. Beyond the luxury effect: Individual and structural drivers lead to ‘urban forest inequity’ in public street trees in Melbourne, Australia. Landscape and Urban Planning 218:104311.

Lequerica Tamara, M. E., T. Latty, C. G. Threlfall, and D. F. Hochuli. 2021. Major insect groups show distinct responses to local and regional attributes of urban green spaces. Landscape and Urban Planning 216:104238.

Taylor, L., Maller C, Soanes K, Ramalho CE, Aiyer A, Parris K, Threlfall CG (Accepted) Enablers and challenges when engaging local communities for urban biodiversity conservation in Australian cities. Sustainability Science

Threlfall, C.G, Law, B., Colman, N. 2021 The effects of harvest frequency on coarse woody debris and its use by fauna. Wildlife Research 48: 521 - 530

Threlfall CG, Marzinelli EM, Ossola A, et al. 2021. Toward cross-realm management of coastal urban ecosystems Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19: 225-233.

Knapp S, Aronson MFJ, Carpenter E, …Threlfall C.G…. et al. 2020. A research agenda for urban biodiversity in the global extinction crisis BioScience 71: 268-279.

Kendal, D., Egerer, M., Byrne, J. A., Jones, P. J., Marsh, P., Threlfall, C. G., Allegretto, G., Kaplan, H., Nguyen, H. K. D., Pearson, S., Wright, A., and Flies, E. J. (2020). City-size bias in knowledge on the effects of urban nature on people and biodiversity. Environmental Research Letters 15, 124035. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abc5e4.

Ordóñez, C., Kendal, D., Threlfall, C.G., Hochuli, D.F., Davern, M., Fuller, R.A., van der Ree, R., Livesley, S.J. (2020) How Urban Forest Managers Evaluate Management and Governance Challenges in Their Decision-Making. Forests, 11, 963.

Kurylo, J. S., C. G. Threlfall, K. M. Parris, A. Ossola, N. S. G. Williams and K. L. Evans (in press) "Butterfly richness and abundance along a gradient of imperviousness and the importance of matrix quality." Ecological Applications. Accepted 22nd April 2020

Ordóñez-Barona C, Threlfall C, Kendal D, Hochuli D, Davern M, Fuller R, Van der Ree R and Livesley S J (2020) Decision-making of municipal urban forest managers through the lens of governance. Environmental Science and Policy 104: 136-147.

Dromgold, J. R., C. G. Threlfall, B. A. Norton and N. S. G. Williams (2020). "Green roof and ground-level invertebrate communities are similar and are driven by building height and landscape context." Journal of Urban Ecology. 6(1).

Croeser, T., C. Ordóñez, C. Threlfall, D. Kendal, R. van der Ree, D. Callow, and S. J. Livesley. 2020. Patterns of tree removal and canopy change on public and private land in the City of Melbourne. Sustainable Cities and Society 56:102096.

Tasker, P., C. Reid, A. D. Young, C. G. Threlfall, and T. Latty. 2020. If you plant it, they will come: quantifying attractiveness of exotic plants for winter-active flower visitors in community gardens. Urban Ecosystems 23:345-354.

Ordóñez, C, Threlfall, C.G., Kendal, D, Hochuli, D.K, Davern, M, Fuller, R.A, van der Ree, R and Livesley, S.J (2019) Urban forest governance and decision-making: a systematic review and synthesis of the perspectives of municipal managers. Landscape and Urban Planning. 189:166-180

Haddock, J.K, Threlfall, C.G, Law, B.S, Hochuli, D (2019) Responses of insectivorous bats and nocturnal insects to local changes in street light technology. Austral Ecology. 44: 1052-1064

Haddock, J.K, Threlfall, C.G, Law, B.S, Hochuli, D (2019) Light pollution at the urban forest edge negatively impacts insectivorous bats. Biological Conservation, 236, 17-28

Egerer, M., Lin, B.B, Threlfall, C.G, Kendal, D (2019) Temperature variability influences urban garden plant richness and gardener water use behavior, but not planting decisions. Science of the Total Environment, 649, 111-120

Threlfall, C.G, Law, B.S, Peacock, R.J (2019) Benchmarks and predictors of coarse woody debris in native forests of eastern Australia. Austral Ecology. 44, 138-150

Threlfall, C.G and Jung, K (2018) Trait-dependent tolerance of bats to urbanization: a global meta-analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Science 285, 20181222

Parris, K, Amati, M, Bekessy, S, Dagenais, D, Fryd, O, Hahs, A, Hes, D, Imberger, S, Livesley, S.J, Marshall, A, Rhodes, J, Threlfall, C.G, Tingley, R, van der Ree, R, Walsh, C, Wilkerson, M, Williams, N.S.G (2018) The seven lamps of planning for biodiversity in the city. Cities.. 83. 44-53

Lowe, E., Threlfall, C.G., Wilder, S.M. and Hochuli, D.F (2018) Environmental drivers of spider community composition at multiple scales along an urban gradient. Biodiversity and Conservation. 27, 829-852.

Threlfall, C.G. and Kendal, D (2018) The distinct ecological and social roles that wild spaces play in urban ecosystems. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 29, 348-356

Law, B., Chidel, M., Britton, A. and Threlfall, C.G, (2018) Comparison of microhabitat use in young regrowth and unlogged forest by the eastern pygmy-possum (Cercartetus nanus). Australian Mammalogy. 40. 1-9.

Harris, V., Kendal, D, Hahs, A.K., Threlfall, C.G. (2018) Green space context and vegetation complexity shape people’s preferences for urban public parks and residential gardens. Landscape Research. 43. 150-162.

Threlfall, C.G., Mata, L., Mackie, J.A., Hahs, A.K., Stork, N.E., Williams, N.S. & Livesley, S.J. (2017) Increasing biodiversity in urban green spaces through simple vegetation interventions. Journal of Applied Ecology, accepted 4th Jan 2017

Mata, L., Threlfall, C.G., Williams, N.S.G., Hahs, A., Malipatil, M., Stork, N. & Livesley, S.J. (in press) Conserving herbivorous and predatory insects in urban green spaces. Scientific Reports, accepted 13th Dec 2016

Hudson, L. N., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill S. L. L., Lysenko, I., De Palma A., Threlfall, C.G,... Purvis, A. (2017). The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 145–188.

Threlfall, C.G., Ossola, A., Hahs, A.K., Williams, N.S.G., Wilson, L. & Livesley, S.J. (2016) Variation in vegetation structure and composition across urban green space types. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, (4), 66.

Hall, D.M., Camilo, G.R., Tonietto, R.K., Ollerton, J., Ahrné, K., Arduser, M., Ascher, J.S., Baldock, K.C.R., Fowler, R., Frankie, G., Goulson, D., Gunnarsson, B., Hanley, M.E., Jackson, J.I., Langellotto, G., Lowenstein, D., Minor, E.S., Philpott, S.M., Potts, S.G., Sirohi, M.H., Spevak, E.M., Stone, G.N. & Threlfall, C.G. (2017) The city as a refuge for insect pollinators. Conservation Biology, 31, 24-29.

Makinson, J.C., Threlfall, C.G. & Latty, T. (2016) Bee-friendly community gardens: Impact of environmental variables on the richness and abundance of exotic and native bees. Urban Ecosystems, 1-14.

Threlfall, C.G., Williams, N.S.G., Hahs, A.H. & Livesley, S.J. (2016) Approaches to urban vegetation management and the impacts on urban bird and bat assemblages. Landscape and Urban Planning, (153) 28-39.

Ives, C.D., Lentini, P.E., Threlfall, C.G., Ikin, K., Shanahan, D.F., Garrard, G.E., Bekessy, S.A., Fuller, R.A., Mumaw, L. Rayner, L., Rowe, R., Valentine, L.E., Kendal, D (2016) Cities are hotspots for threatened species. Global Ecology and Biogeography. (25) 117-126. 

Baumann, J., Walker, K., Threlfall, C.G., Williams, NSG (2016) African Carder Bee, Afranthidium (Immanthidium) repetitum (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) - a New Exotic Species for Victoria. Victorian Naturalist. (133) 21-25.

Livesley, S.J, Ossola, A., Threlfall, C.G., Hahs, A.K and Williams, N.S.G, (2016) High soil C:N under urban trees enhances the capacity to buffer N eutrophication. Journal of Environmental Quality. (45) 215-223.

Threlfall, C.G., Walker, K., Williams, N.S.G, Hahs, A.K, Mata, L., Stork, N., and Livesley, S.J. (2015) The conservation value of urban green space habitats for Australian native bee communities. Biological Conservation. (187) 240-248

Hudson, L.N., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill, S.L.L., Lysenko, I., De Palma, A., ...Threlfall, C.G,... Purvis, A, (accepted November 2014). The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution. In press 

Threlfall, C. G., Law, B. & Banks, P. B. (2013) Odour cues influence predation risk at artificial bat roosts in urban bushland. Biology Letters (9) 3.

Luck, G. W., Smallbone, L., Threlfall, C., and Law, B. (2013) Patterns in bat functional guilds across multiple urban centres in south-eastern Australia. Landscape Ecology. (28), 455-469.

Threlfall, C. G., Law, B. & Banks, P. B. (2013) The urban matrix and artificial light restricts the nightly ranging behaviour of Gould’s long-eared bat (Nyctophilus gouldi). Austral Ecology.(38), 921-930.

Threlfall, C. G., Law, B. & Banks, P. B. (2013) Roost selection in suburban bushland by the urban sensitive bat Nyctophilus gouldi. Journal of Mammalogy. (94), 307-319.

Threlfall, C. G., Law, B. & Banks, P. B. (2012) Sensitivity of insectivorous bats to urbanization: Implications for suburban conservation planning. Biological Conservation. (146), 41-52.

Threlfall, C. G., Law, B., & Banks, P. B. (2012) The influence of landscape structure and human modifications on insect biomass and the foraging activity of insectivorous bats in an urban landscape. PLOS one. 7:e38800.

Threlfall, C. G., Law, B., Penman, T. & Banks, P. B. (2011) Ecological processes in urban landscapes: mechanisms influencing the distribution and activity of insectivorous bats. Ecography. (34), 814-826.

Threlfall, C.G, Jolley, D. F., Evershed, N, Goldingay, R, and Buttemer, W.A (2008) Do Green and Golden Bell Frogs (Litoria aurea) occupy habitats with fungicidal properties? Australian Zoologist .34 (3), 350-360


Science communication and knowledge transfer - for hard copies go to

Soanes K, Threlfall CG, Ramalho CE, Bekessy S, Fuller RA, Garrard GE, Ikin K, Kendal D, Lee KE, Mumaw L, Rowe R, Shanahan DF, Valentine LE, Williams NSG, Parris KM and Lentini PE. (2020) Conservation opportunities for threatened species in urban environments. Report prepared by the Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub and Threatened Species Recovery Hub

Soanes, K., Threlfall, C.G., Taylor, L., Kirk, H., Ramalho, C.E., Cumpston, Z. and Parris, K.M. (2020) Recognising the conservation and cultural value of urban wetlands: A research synthesis. Report prepared by the Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub.

Taylor, L, Soanes, K, Ramalho, CR and Threlfall, C.G. (2020). Conservation of urban biodiversity: an expanded inventory of actions. PART III. Report prepared by the Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub.

Kirk H, Threlfall C, Soanes K, Ramalho C, Parris K, Amati M, Bekessy SA, Mata L. (2018) Linking nature in the city: A framework for improving ecological connectivity across the City of Melbourne. Report prepared for the City of Melbourne Urban Sustainability Branch.

Kendal, D, Farrar, A., Plant, L., Threlfall, C.G, Bush, J., Baumann, J. (2017) Risks to Australia’s urban forest from climate change and urban heat. Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub, National Environmental Science Programme.

Davies, P., Corkery, L., Nipperess, D., Barnett, G., Bishop, M., Hochuli, D., Hose, G., Joei, L.C., Lin, B., Keane, A., Osmond, P., Pelleri, N., Staas, L., Threlfall, C., Van den Berg, F. & Wilkinson, S. (2017) Blueprint for Urban Ecology: Policy to Practice. National Green Infrastructure Network Available at

Davies, P., Corkery, L., Nipperess, D., Barnett, G., Bishop, M., Hochuli, D., Hose, G., Joei, L.C., Lin, B., Keane, A., Osmond, P., Pelleri, N., Staas, L., Threlfall, C., Van den Berg, F. & Wilkinson, S. (2017) Urban Ecology Renewal Investigation Project. Desktop Review. National Green Infrastructure Network

Threlfall, C.G et al (2016) Can cities save bees? How can urban habitats be made to serve pollinator conservation? How can that story be better told? The Nature of Cities blog roundtable, January, available at

Threlfall, C.G, Harrison, L, van der Ree, R and Williams N.S.G. (2015) Biodiversity Monitoring Framework Part I - Discussion Paper. Report for the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action Councils, Victoria. Available at

Threlfall, C.G, Harrison, L, van der Ree, R and Williams N.S.G., Jones, C. (2015) Biodiversity Monitoring Framework Part II - Indicator Implementation Guide. Report for the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action Councils, Victoria. Available at

Ives, Lynch, Threlfall and Norman (2015) Citizen Science in the City: Lessons from Melbourne’s BioBlitz. The Nature of Cities blog, 1 March, available at

Threlfall, C.G., Williams, N.S.G., Hahs, A., and Livesley S.J.  (2014) Green Havens. Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. (16.5) 6-13, available at

Threlfall, C.G. (2013) Urban ecology: Boring as bats#!t or heaven scent? The Conversation, 10 May, available at

Wilson, L, Threlfall, C.G., Ossola, A., Williams, N.S.G., Hahs, A., Stork, N., and Livesley S.J. (2013) Remnant Refuges.  Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. (15.2), 52-54.

Law, B and Threlfall, C.G.  (2013) Bats of Sydney.  Australasian Bat Society Poster, available at

Threlfall, C.G. (2013) Landscape and urban design for bats and biodiversity. Australasian Bat Society Newsletter. (40), 29-30.

Threlfall, C.G. (2012). Why bats need dark skies. Australasian Bat Society Fact Sheet, available at

Mata, L, Threlfall, C.G., Williams, N.S.G., Hahs, A., Stork, N., and Livesley S.J. (2012) Hidden Helpers.  Australian Turfgrass Management Journal. (14.5), 7-9, available at